organization of events
August 2022 - Beyond I.I.D in Information Theory 11, Universität Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany).
November 2022 - Focus Event on "Modified Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities for Quantum Markov Semigroups", Erdös Center - Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest (Hungary).
December 2020 - 3rd BYMAT Conference, Universitat de València and Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia (Spain), online.
Member of the Steering Committee and member of the Poster Committee
May 2019 - 2nd BYMAT Conference, Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT), Madrid (Spain).
Co-organizer of this international conference, which took place at ICMAT, and was attended
by 170 PhD students in Mathematics and related fields.
Radio: Todo noticias RNE (I speak here), Las mañanas de RNE (from minute 25)
Digital media: Madri+d, Atlas, ABC, El Comercio, Las Provincias, La Voz de Cádiz, Madri+d, El Norte de Castilla, Diario Sur, Hoy, Público, PaperBlog, ServiMedia
May 2018 - 1st BYMAT Conference, Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT), Madrid (Spain).
Co-organizer of this international conference, which took place at ICMAT, and was attended
by 200 PhD students in Mathematics and related fields.
Radio (I speak in the three of them): La Ventana (from minute 7), Raiz de 5, Por fin no es lunes
News and interviews: El Mundo, El Español, ABC, Madri+d
Digital media: Madri+d, Atlas, ABC, El Comercio, Las Provincias, La Rioja, La Verdad, Diario Sur, Hoy, El Diario Vasco, PaperBlog, ABC, La Vanguardia, Público, Telecinco, El Economista,
"Vincent caselles RSME-FBBVA" award
media appearance
Recognition of creativity, originality and excellence in mathematics in the first years of the research career. Awarded to 6 mathematicians under 30 (from Spain or who worked in Spain).
Press note Ceremony: Link
Profile of awardee at FBBVA: Link. Video interview
August 2022 - El Nuevo Observador
Individual piece because of being awarded the Vicent Caselles Award
August 2022 - El País
Interview explaining some aspects of quantum computing.
July 2022 - Several newspapers for the Vicent Caselles Awards
Short news in several newspapers with some information about the awardees.
El País, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, El Español
January 2023 - Platform "Científicas e Innovadoras" from the Minister of Science and Innovation, Spain
Profile appearing on this platform
August 2022 - Ceremony
Individual piece because of being awarded the Vicent Caselles Award
August 2021 - MCQST blog
Short interview explaining my research and personal interests
July 2020 - Boletín ICMAT
Short interview explaining my PhD thesis
May 2020 - Comisión Mujeres y Matemáticas RSME, 12 questions for the 12th of May
Video answering 12 questions for the Day of Women in Mathematics
May 2018 - Interview in El Independiente
Short interview concerning my field of research
February 2018 - 11th February, International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Short video concerning some of my interests
April 2016 - Blog Mujeres con Ciencia
Short interview concerning my future PhD thesis
January 2016 - Boletín ICMAT
Short interview concerning my future PhD thesis
November 2009 - Extraordinary Award of Studies
Local newspaper with the regional results
July 2009 - Highest grades in Selectividad (exam of access to university)
Local newspaper with the news
March 2009 - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Olympiads
Local newspaper with the regional results
September 2006 - ESTALMAT
Appearances on the regional TV for the beginning of the project