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Lent 2025 - Quantum Information Theory.

Part III course.


eberhard karls universität Tübingen

Summer 2023 - International Mathematics Competition (IMC) Training 

Check the Webpage for more information.


Summer 2023 - Quantum Information Theory (Master in Advanced Quantum Physics)

Core course for the Master in Advanced Quantum Physics. Check the Webpage of the course for more information.


Winter 2022/23 - International Mathematics Competition (IMC) Training 

Check the Webpage for more information.


Winter 2022/23 - Seminar on Quantum Information Theory (Master in Mathematical Physics)

Optional seminar for the Master in Mathematical Physics. Check the Webpage of the seminar for more information.


Summer 2022 - International Mathematics Competition (IMC) Training 

Check the Webpage for more information.


Summer 2022 - Quantum Shannon Theory and Beyond (Master in Mathematical Physics)

Optional course for the Master in Mathematical Physics. Check the Webpage of the course for more information.


Summer 2022 - Mathematical Physics Colloquium (Master in Mathematical Physics)

Coordinator of the weekly colloquium, consisting on introductory talks related to the research in Mathematical Physics conducted at Tübingen Universität. Check the Webpage of the colloquium for more information.


Winter 2021/22 - Mathematical Physics Colloquium (Master in Mathematical Physics)

Coordinator of the weekly colloquium, consisting on introductory talks related to the research in Mathematical Physics conducted at Tübingen Universität. Check the Webpage of the colloquium for more information.


technische universität München

Summer 2020 - Berufspraktikum.

Reviewer of the reports submitted in English by students.

Check the Webpage of the course and contact me by e-mail using the address internship[at]


universidad autónoma de madrid

Spring 2019 - Linear Algebra (1st year Physics B.S.)

Imparted the problems sessions, 2 groups (60 hours)


Spring 2018 - Linear Algebra (1st year Physics B.S.)

Imparted the problems sessions, 1 group (30 hours)


Spring 2018 - Statistics (1st year Environmental Sciences B.S.)

Imparted the problems sessions, 1 group (30 hours)


Fall 2016 - Mathematics (1st year Chemical Engineering B.S.)

Imparted the problems sessions, 1 group (30 hours)



TheoQS autumn school, University of paderborn

October 2025 - Course on Thermalization of Open Quantum Systems.

Check the notes


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University of Cambridge

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