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All my research papers can be found in arXiv and Scholar

Research papers

24. A. Bluhm, Á. Capel, P. Costa Rico and A. Jenčová,

Belavkin-Staszewski Quantum Markov Chains, 

preprint, 2025,

arXiv: 2501.09708

23. Á. Capel, P. Gondolf, J. Kochanowski and C. Rouzé,

Quasi-optimal sampling from Gibbs states via non-commutative optimal transport metrics, 

preprint, 2024,

arXiv: 2412.01732

22. K. Audenaert, B. Bergh, N. Datta, M. G. Jabbour, Á. Capel and P. Gondolf,

Continuity bounds for quantum entropies arising from a fundamental entropic inequality, 

preprint, 2024,

arXiv: 2408.15306


21. J. Kochanowski, Á. M. Alhambra, Á. Capel and C. Rouzé,

Rapid thermalization of dissipative many-body dynamics of commuting Hamiltonians, 

preprint, 2024,

arXiv: 2404.16780

20. P. Gondolf, S. O. Scalet, A. Ruiz-de-Alarcón, Á. M. Alhambra and Á. Capel,

Conditional independence of 1D Gibbs states with applications to efficient learning, 

preprint, 2024,

arXiv: 2402.18500

19. A. Bluhm, Á. Capel and A. Pérez-Hernández,  

Strong decay of correlations for Gibbs states in any dimension, 

preprint, 2024,

arXiv: 2401.10147

18. Á. Capel, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel and T. Wessel,  

From decay of correlations to locality and stability of the Gibbs state, 

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 406, 43, 2025,

DOI: 10.1007/s00220-024-05198-x

arXiv: 2310.09182

17. A. Bluhm, Á. Capel, P. Gondolf and T. Möbus,  

Unified framework for continuity of sandwiched Rényi divergences, 

Annales Henri Poincaré (to appear), 2023,

DOI: 10.1007/s00023-024-01519-x

arXiv: 2308.12425

16. A. Bluhm, Á. Capel, P. Gondolf and A. Pérez-Hernández,  

General continuity bounds for quantum relative entropies, 

2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 162-167, 2023,

DOI: 10.1109/ISIT54713.2023.10206734

arXiv: 2305.10140

Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award (for Paul Gondolf)

15. Y. Jia and Á. Capel

A generic quantum Wielandt's inequality, 

Quantum, 8, 1331, 2024,

DOI: 10.22331/q-2024-05-02-1331

arXiv: 2301.08241

14. A. Bluhm, Á. Capel, P. Gondolf and A. Pérez-Hernández

Continuity of quantum entropic quantities via almost convexity,

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 69 (9), 5869-5901, 2023,

DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2023.3277892

arXiv: 2208.00922


13. I. Bardet, Á. Capel, L. Gao, A. Lucia, D. Pérez-García and C. Rouzé

Entropy decay for Davies semigroups of a one dimensional quantum lattice,

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 405, 42, 2024,

DOI: 10.1007/s00220-023-04869-5

arXiv: 2112.00601

12. I. Bardet, Á. Capel, L. Gao, A. Lucia, D. Pérez-García and C. Rouzé

Rapid thermalization of spin chain commuting Hamiltonians,

Physical Review Letters, 130, 060401, 2023,

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.060401

arXiv: 2112.00593


11. A. Bluhm, Á. Capel and A. Pérez-Hernández

Exponential decay of mutual information for Gibbs states of local Hamiltonians, 

Quantum, 6, 650, 2022,

DOI: 10.22331/q-2022-02-10-650

arXiv: 2104.04419

10. A. Bluhm, Á. Capel and A. Pérez-Hernández

Weak quasi-factorization for the Belavkin-Staszewski relative entropy,  

2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 118-123, 2021,

DOI: 10.1109/ISIT45174.2021.9517893

arXiv: 2101.10312

9. Á. Capel and Y. Jia

Comment on “Generators of matrix algebras in dimension 2 and 3",  

preprint, 2021,

arXiv: 2101.07159

8. Á. Capel, C. Rouzé and D. Stilck França

The modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality for quantum spin systems: classical and commuting nearest neighbour interactions,  

Communications in Mathematical Physics (to appear), 2022,

arXiv: 2009.11817

7. Á. Capel and J. Ocáriz, 

Approximation with Neural Networks in Variable Lebesgue Spaces,  

preprint, 2020,

arXiv: 2007.04166

6. I. Bardet, Á. Capel and C. Rouzé, 

Approximate tensorization of the relative entropy for noncommuting conditional 


Annales Henri Poincaré, 23, 101-140, 2022,

DOI: 10.1007/s00023-021-01088-3

arXiv: 2001.07981   

5. I. Bardet, Á. Capel, A. Lucia, D. Pérez-García and C. Rouzé

On the modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality for the heat-bath dynamics for 1D systems, 

Journal of Mathematical Physics, 62, 061901, 2021,

DOI: 10.1063/1.5142186

arXiv: 1908.09004

4. A. Bluhm and Á. Capel,

A strengthened data processing inequality for the Belavkin-Staszewski relative entropy, Reviews in Mathematical  Physics, 32 (02), 2050005, 2020,

DOI: 10.1142/S0129055X20500051

arXiv: 1904.10768

3. Á. Capel, A. Lucia and D. Pérez-García,

Quantum Conditional Relative Entropy and Quasi-Factorization of the Relative Entropy, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 51, 484001, 2018,

DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/aae4cf

arXiv: 1804.09525

2. Á. Capel, A. Lucia and D. Pérez-García,

Superadditivity of Quantum Relative Entropy for General States,

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64 (7), 4758-4765, 2018,

DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2017.2772800

arXiv: 1705.03521

1. Á. Capel, M. Martín and J. Merí,

Numerical radius attaining compact linear operators,

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 445, 1258-1266, 2017,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.02.074

arXiv: 1602.07084

outreach papers

4. Á. Capel, J. Ocáriz, R. Naveiro and P. Contreras, ¿Cómo se ha convertido Matemáticas en la carrera universitaria más popular?, Café y Teoremas, El País, 2018, 


3. Á. Capel, Y yo quiero ser... Matemática Física, chapter of the book "Y yo quiero ser..." (2018),


2. Á. Arias, J. P. Ávila, Á. Capel and P. Morales, Mates en Acción, Matematicalia, vol. 7, num. 3 (Sept. 2011), 


1. F. T. Sánchez-Cobo and Á. Capel, ESTALMAT: Una experiencia con cerillas, Revista EPSILON de la SAEM Thales, vol. 27(2), num. 75, pp 57-64 (2010), 


Teaching papers

1. I. M. Gómez-Chacón, E. Baro, M. Barbero, Á. Capel, J. Caravantes, P. Contreras, A. Díaz-Cano, M. Folgueira, D. Gómez, Á. González, J. González, B. Ivorra, M. C. Juan, A. Melle, M. Pe, M. Á. Prieto, M. M. Sánchez and Á. M. Ramos, Multimedia learning scenarios in professional development of the novice university mathematics lecturers (2019), 


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University of Cambridge

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